integrity checks timeout silently

When an integrity check times out, SmartFTP falls back to just checking the "file exist rules", allowing the transfer to succeed and be removed from the queue.

This is NOT what I would want. If I set it to do an integrity check, I expect it to do that, or tell me if it couldn't do it. Right now the transfer just dissapears from the queue as if the integrity check succeeded, leaving the user none the wiser.

I just started using the beta 2.5.1008.35 but I don't know when this was changed in SmartFTP. I know that in the past I've had integrity checks timeout and tell me.

Hello ..

Please let us know when you have a reproducible case (with a log) with the newest version.

Thank you

[16:36:51] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:36:51] Connected to
[16:36:51] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 2) ready...
[16:36:51] AUTH TLS
[16:36:51] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[16:36:51] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[16:36:51] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[16:36:51] TLS encrypted session established.
[16:36:51] PBSZ 0
[16:36:51] 200 PBSZ=0
[16:36:51] USER user
[16:36:51] 331 Password required for user.
[16:36:51] PASS (hidden)
[16:36:51] 230 User user logged in.
[16:36:51] SYST
[16:36:51] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:36:51] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:36:51] FEAT
[16:36:51] 211-Extensions supported:
[16:36:51] AUTH TLS
[16:36:51] CCC
[16:36:51] CLNT
[16:36:51] CPSV
[16:36:51] EPRT
[16:36:51] EPSV
[16:36:51] MDTM
[16:36:51] MFCT
[16:36:51] MFMT
[16:36:51] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[16:36:51] MODE Z
[16:36:51] PASV
[16:36:51] PBSZ
[16:36:51] PROT
[16:36:51] REST STREAM
[16:36:51] SIZE
[16:36:51] SSCN
[16:36:51] TVFS
[16:36:51] UTF8
[16:36:51] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[16:36:51] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[16:36:51] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[16:36:51] 211 End.
[16:36:51] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[16:36:51] CLNT SmartFTP 2.5.1008
[16:36:51] 200 Noted.
[16:36:51] OPTS UTF8 ON
[16:36:51] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[16:36:51] PWD
[16:36:51] 257 "/" is current directory.
[16:36:51] CWD /finished
[16:36:51] 250 CWD command successful. "/finished" is current directory.
[16:36:51] PWD
[16:36:52] 257 "/finished" is current directory.
[16:36:52] TYPE I
[16:36:52] 200 Type set to I.
[16:36:52] SIZE c.tif
[16:36:52] 213 4493148160
[16:36:52] MDTM c.tif
[16:36:52] 213 20080116162858
[16:36:52] Timeout dynamically set to 857s
[16:36:52] XSHA1 "c.tif" 0 4493148160
[16:51:09] Timeout (857s).
[16:51:09] Active Help:
[16:51:10] Client closed the connection.
[16:51:10] Timeout dynamically set to 857s
[16:51:10] Timeout dynamically set to 857s
[16:51:10] Source File: Size=4493148160, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-01-16T16:28:58, TimeFormat=Exact
[16:51:10] Destination File: Size=4493148160, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-01-16T16:28:58, TimeFormat=Exact
[16:51:10] RecentTime=2008-01-24T21:51:10
[16:51:10] Rule "IF Destination Time=Equal AND Size=Equal AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Skip" matched. Action="Skip".
[16:51:10] Skipping file "c.tif". Reason: User action.

I have changed the behavior in the latest version (2.5.1008.36). Please give it a try:

Thank you.

Thanks, that fixed it