Problem with Directory Listing on z/OS

I installed SmartFTP V.2.0.997 today (free version). My main purpose is to test if this tool is usable for rollout in z/OS environments with SSL/TLS and client certificates. Tests in this respect are very positive since SmartFTP is supporting the MSCAPI. Certificates in the Windows Certificate database and certificates on USB tokens can be used directly without further effort.

After searching the forum, I found out that switching between HFS directories and MVS data sets is possible via the CWD command, not directly through the panel fields. This is not very usable. I doubt that a large installation with hundreds or thousands of users would accept this, it would give the helpdesk people lots of grief.

The directory listing of HFS files is not correct. Here is an example of the raw listing:

total 1128

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP	32713 Jul 31 14:10 ldap.db2.profile

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP	15344 Jul 31 14:11 ldap.profile

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP	 2187 Jul 31 14:11 ldap.racf.profile

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP	49880 Jul 31 14:11 ldap.slapd.profile

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP   332096 Jul 31 14:12 schema.IBM.ldif

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	OMVSGRP   132240 Jul 31 14:12 schema.user.ldif

The file "ldap.db2.profile" is not diaplayed correctly in the directory listing, the file name is replaced by the permission bits and the file length is displayed as zero. I have a screen shot of the directory listing window but don't know how I could attach it here. I can send it as an e-mail if you can give me an address to send to. This is the relevant part of the log file:

[13:51:33] NOOP
[13:51:33] 200 OK
[13:52:17] CWD /u/ldap
[13:52:17] 250 HFS directory /u/ldap is the current working directory
[13:52:17] PWD
[13:52:17] 257 "/u/ldap" is the HFS working directory.
[13:52:17] PASV
[13:52:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,55,107,4,69)
[13:52:17] Opening data connection to Port: 1093
[13:52:17] LIST
[13:52:18] 125 List started OK
[13:52:18] 442 bytes transferred. (401 Byte/s) (00:00:01)
[13:52:19] 250 List completed successfully.
[13:53:09] NOOP
[13:53:09] 200 OK
[13:53:37] PASV

It is rather conspicuous that the incorrectly displayed file is the first one in the listing, so I checked another directory. Again, the first file in the raw directory listing is listed incorrectly, the permission bits are listed, not the file name:

total 240

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	SYS1		1514 Aug 10  2005 SimpleCopy.class

-rwxr-xr-x   1 ADCDA	SYS1		1221 Aug 10  2005

drwxr-xr-x   2 ADCDA	SYS1		8192 Aug 11  2005 hfsin

drwxr-xr-x   2 ADCDA	SYS1		8192 Aug 11  2005 hfsout

-rwx------   1 ADCDA	SYS1		 184 Aug 12  2005 ptest.c

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	SYS1		6080 Jun 23 11:08 ptest.o

-rwxr-xr-x   1 ADCDA	SYS1	   57344 Jun 23 11:08 ptestc

-rw-r--r--   1 ADCDA	SYS1		1024 Aug 15  2005 ptestc.trc.16842781

-rwxrwxrwx   1 ADCDA	SYS1		 208 Aug 15  2005 setup

-rwx------   1 ADCDA	SYS1		 201 Aug 15  2005 setup1

-rwx------   1 ADCDA	SYS1		 196 Aug 15  2005 setup2

-rwx------   1 ADCDA	SYS1		 203 Aug 15  2005 setup3

drwxrwxrwx   2 ADCDA	SYS1		8192 Aug 16  2005 zfs

I can also send a screen shot of the SmartFTP window for this listing. The relevant part of the log file looks like this:

[14:22:09] NOOP
[14:22:09] 200 OK
[14:23:08] CWD /u/ibmuser
[14:23:08] 250 HFS directory /u/ibmuser is the current working directory
[14:23:08] PWD
[14:23:08] 257 "/u/ibmuser" is the HFS working directory.
[14:23:08] PASV
[14:23:08] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,55,107,4,71)
[14:23:08] Opening data connection to Port: 1095
[14:23:08] LIST
[14:23:09] 125 List started OK
[14:23:09] 846 bytes transferred. (828 Byte/s) (00:00:01)
[14:23:09] 250 List completed successfully.

Your help is highly appreciated.
Ulrich Boche

Dear Mr. Bloche

Thank you for your bug report.

>Directory Listing Bug
The listing parser problem is fixed and the bug fix will be available in the next version of SmartFTP. If you already want to test it please install the SmartFTP FTP Library from
Then copy the new sfFTPLib.dll (C:\Program Files\SmartFTP FTP Library) to the SmartFTP application folder (C:\Program Files\SmartFTP Client 2.0).

>HFS switch
What do you suggest? A new menu item in the Commands->Connection sub menu? How do other FTP clients support this?

Best Regards,

The user reported that the latest versoin of the sfFTPLib.dll fixed the directory decoding problem.
