Hi. I'm considering new FTP clients for our department and I've stumbled across SmartFTP. I like the way it works and it's 'robust' feeling.
But I have the most annoying bug. The client closes connections with a
[13:27:40] Timeout (0s).
[13:27:40] Active Help:
[13:27:40] Client closed the connection.
This happens when uploading, downloading and even getting a listing (LIST -a). The connection time-out in my Settings obviously isn't configured that way. I've tried high, low, normal and the default numbers. It doesnt matter. Als checked most other options too, to see if i could discover any relation. Unsuccesfully though. Sometimes the client just refuses to do anything by 'timing out' after 0 seconds.
It's server independant and I've tried every option that could remotly have anything to do with this.
I've tried latest stable and latest beta.
Some logs:
a simple login:
[13:27:27] 230 User XXXXX logged in.
[13:27:27] SYST
[13:27:27] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:27:27] FEAT
[13:27:27] 211-Features:
[13:27:27] MDTM
[13:27:27] REST STREAM
[13:27:27] SIZE
[13:27:27] 211 End
[13:27:27] PWD
[13:27:27] 257 "/" is current directory.
[13:27:27] TYPE A
[13:27:27] 200 Type set to A
[13:27:27] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,29
[13:27:27] 200 PORT command successful
[13:27:27] LIST -a
[13:27:27] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[13:27:27] 918 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[13:27:27] 226-Transfer complete.
[13:27:27] 226 Quotas off
[13:27:39] CWD /httpdocs
[13:27:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:27:40] PWD
[13:27:40] 257 "/httpdocs" is current directory.
[13:27:40] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,31
[13:27:40] 200 PORT command successful
[13:27:40] LIST -a
[13:27:40] Timeout (0s).
[13:27:40] Active Help:
[13:27:40] Client closed the connection.
A file upload (queue):
[13:37:08] Resolving host name ""
[13:37:08] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:37:08] Connected to
[13:37:09] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [totalsupport-managed]
[13:37:09] USER XXXXXXX
[13:37:09] 331 Password required for XXXXXXXX.
[13:37:09] PASS (hidden)
[13:37:09] 230 User XXXXXXX logged in.
[13:37:09] SYST
[13:37:09] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:37:09] FEAT
[13:37:09] 211-Features:
[13:37:09] MDTM
[13:37:09] REST STREAM
[13:37:09] SIZE
[13:37:09] 211 End
[13:37:09] PWD
[13:37:09] 257 "/" is current directory.
[13:37:09] CWD /httpdocs/video
[13:37:09] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:37:09] PWD
[13:37:09] 257 "/httpdocs/video" is current directory.
[13:37:09] Remote file exist check: "mobieltje.flv".
[13:37:09] TYPE I
[13:37:09] 200 Type set to I
[13:37:09] SIZE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 213 49152
[13:37:09] MDTM mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 213 20060331113708
[13:37:09] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Delete First" matched. Action="Delete First".
[13:37:09] DELE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 250 DELE command successful.
[13:37:09] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,90
[13:37:09] 200 PORT command successful
[13:37:09] STOR mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] Transfer Timeout (0s). Closing data connection.
[13:37:09] 47104 bytes transferred. (63.7 KB/s) (721 ms)
[13:37:10] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:37:10] SIZE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:10] 213 47104
[13:37:10] File size mismatch.
[13:37:10] Resolving host name ""
... connects again and starts from top
Please help! I'm really starting to like SmartFTP, but this thing is rendering it useless for us
But I have the most annoying bug. The client closes connections with a
[13:27:40] Timeout (0s).
[13:27:40] Active Help:
[13:27:40] Client closed the connection.
This happens when uploading, downloading and even getting a listing (LIST -a). The connection time-out in my Settings obviously isn't configured that way. I've tried high, low, normal and the default numbers. It doesnt matter. Als checked most other options too, to see if i could discover any relation. Unsuccesfully though. Sometimes the client just refuses to do anything by 'timing out' after 0 seconds.
It's server independant and I've tried every option that could remotly have anything to do with this.
I've tried latest stable and latest beta.
Some logs:
a simple login:
[13:27:27] 230 User XXXXX logged in.
[13:27:27] SYST
[13:27:27] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:27:27] FEAT
[13:27:27] 211-Features:
[13:27:27] MDTM
[13:27:27] REST STREAM
[13:27:27] SIZE
[13:27:27] 211 End
[13:27:27] PWD
[13:27:27] 257 "/" is current directory.
[13:27:27] TYPE A
[13:27:27] 200 Type set to A
[13:27:27] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,29
[13:27:27] 200 PORT command successful
[13:27:27] LIST -a
[13:27:27] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[13:27:27] 918 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[13:27:27] 226-Transfer complete.
[13:27:27] 226 Quotas off
[13:27:39] CWD /httpdocs
[13:27:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:27:40] PWD
[13:27:40] 257 "/httpdocs" is current directory.
[13:27:40] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,31
[13:27:40] 200 PORT command successful
[13:27:40] LIST -a
[13:27:40] Timeout (0s).
[13:27:40] Active Help:
[13:27:40] Client closed the connection.
A file upload (queue):
[13:37:08] Resolving host name ""
[13:37:08] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:37:08] Connected to
[13:37:09] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [totalsupport-managed]
[13:37:09] USER XXXXXXX
[13:37:09] 331 Password required for XXXXXXXX.
[13:37:09] PASS (hidden)
[13:37:09] 230 User XXXXXXX logged in.
[13:37:09] SYST
[13:37:09] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:37:09] FEAT
[13:37:09] 211-Features:
[13:37:09] MDTM
[13:37:09] REST STREAM
[13:37:09] SIZE
[13:37:09] 211 End
[13:37:09] PWD
[13:37:09] 257 "/" is current directory.
[13:37:09] CWD /httpdocs/video
[13:37:09] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:37:09] PWD
[13:37:09] 257 "/httpdocs/video" is current directory.
[13:37:09] Remote file exist check: "mobieltje.flv".
[13:37:09] TYPE I
[13:37:09] 200 Type set to I
[13:37:09] SIZE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 213 49152
[13:37:09] MDTM mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 213 20060331113708
[13:37:09] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Delete First" matched. Action="Delete First".
[13:37:09] DELE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 250 DELE command successful.
[13:37:09] PORT 172,20,40,41,14,90
[13:37:09] 200 PORT command successful
[13:37:09] STOR mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for mobieltje.flv
[13:37:09] Transfer Timeout (0s). Closing data connection.
[13:37:09] 47104 bytes transferred. (63.7 KB/s) (721 ms)
[13:37:10] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:37:10] SIZE mobieltje.flv
[13:37:10] 213 47104
[13:37:10] File size mismatch.
[13:37:10] Resolving host name ""
... connects again and starts from top
Please help! I'm really starting to like SmartFTP, but this thing is rendering it useless for us