v1.5.991.17 - Unix Download problem

I have a problem, when I try to download from this server, SmartFTP download correctly the file, but it keep retrying because of "File size mismatch."
Here is the log from the queue :
[23:46:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[23:46:29]     FEAT

[23:46:29] 211-Extensions supported:

[23:46:29]  CLNT

[23:46:29]  MDTM

[23:46:29]  MLST type*;size*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner;UNIX.uid;UNIX.group;UNIX.gid;unique

[23:46:29]  PASV

[23:46:29]  REST STREAM

[23:46:29]  SIZE

[23:46:29]  TVFS

[23:46:29]  Compliance Level: 19981201 (IETF mlst-05)

[23:46:29] 211 End.

[23:46:29]     Detected Server Software: NcFTPd

[23:46:29]     CLNT SmartFTP 1.5.991

[23:46:29] 200 Noted.

[23:46:29]     PWD

[23:46:29] 257 "/" is cwd.

[23:46:29]     CWD /eathena

[23:46:29] 250 "/eathena" is new cwd.

[23:46:29]     PWD

[23:46:29] 257 "/eathena" is cwd.

[23:46:29]     SIZE cygwin-1.5.18-1-dll.rar

[23:46:31] 213 507856

[23:46:31]     TYPE I

[23:46:31] 200 Type okay.

[23:46:31]     PASV

[23:46:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,186,33,14,228,204)

[23:46:31]     Opening data connection to Port: 58572

[23:46:31]     RETR cygwin-1.5.18-1-dll.rar

[23:46:31] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for cygwin-1.5.18-1-dll.rar (506002 bytes).

[23:46:32] 226 Transfer completed.

[23:46:32]     506002 bytes transferred. (988 Ko/s) (500 ms)

[23:46:32]     File size mismatch.

And after that, it reconnect and has the same error until I delete the item from the queue.

Hello ..

The bug is with the FTP server. It looks like it returns the wrong size in the SIZE reply.

[23:46:29] SIZE cygwin-1.5.18-1-dll.rar
[23:46:31] 213 507856
[23:46:31] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for cygwin-1.5.18-1-dll.rar (506002 bytes).
