Is SmartFTP easy to use?
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I just want to upload a file!!
I connect to my site just fine.
I know which file I want to upload from my system to my site.
I go to Command-Upload-Direct-Select Files and NOTHING HAPPENS- no dialog box appears, and no reason or error message is given to tell me why!!!!
I wanted an easy FTP program for BASIC functions!!!!! I just want to upload a damn file and not only do you make it difficult just to do that (how about an Upload Button to perform the MOST BASIC FUNCTION AN FTP PROGRAM HAS!!!???), but there's no explanation as to why it wouldn't work.
I'm not a networking expert. I doubt I need 99% of your program. Maybe this problem is so basic you overlooked it. Whatever!! I just want to upload and download files from a website, and this program won't let me do that simply and easily.
Why doesn't the dialog box come up just like it says in the tutorial??
I am really really angry about this. Your program should work the way it says in the tutorial, and if there is a button or some other process that has to occur before the correct dialog box can appear to even select a file to upload, it should be mentioned in LARGE BOLD TEXT!!!