Add to Favorites: Local Folders?

Hello. I am yet another former WS_FTP LE ex-patriot. smartFTP is impressive! i had been borrowing a copy of WS_FTP Pro, but i think i like Smart FTP better (at least for my level of expertise).

is there a way to, as in WS_FTP, set the viewing option so that upon each new launch of smartFTP, I can have my most recent folder views present (at least the local folder view)?

even if i were able to add local folders to the "Favorites", that would be a tremendous help, and probably even more useful than the "remember last folder views" method.


(EDIT: hey.. WOW! this automatic spelling checker is amazing! anyone know... how does it work? I'd love to see the PHP code, assuming that's what's going on-- or java?)

Within a favorite's settings, you can specify that a local folder should open up at a specific location as soon as you connect to the favorite site. Not exactly what you wanted, but maybe even better (see General -> Local in a favorite's settings).