繁體語系檔請至 "Chinese Simplified translation 2.0 updated(简繁中文语言)" 主題察看,今後本帖不再更新!
繁體和簡體語系檔案下載 請 至:https://www.smartftp.com/localization/projects/chinese/
Because the official FTP server doesn't let me log in, I can not upload my files and update the web page.
If you need the language file of Chinese traditional, bellow:
language file (version: 1.5.990)
And I must say,"This is the last version I translate, because I am very busy in work and almost have no time to do this." Sorry to many people.
If someone need my SmartFTP translate dictionary, please e-mail to me.(Just Alchemy Catalyst 4.0 project files)
And SmartFTP still have some problems with it.
This photo is "FlashFXP browers the FTP server."
And the bellow is SmartFTP log in the same server:
It doesn't display the double character very well.
Chinese Traditional translation 1.5.991.22 for SmartFTP updated!
SmartFTP 1.5.991.22 繁體中文档案升級
Updated and modified base on YSL's (the original Traditional Chinese author) translation 1.5.988 with his agreement.
download link(下載):
https://www.smartftp.com/localization/pr ... FTPCHT.exe
本繁體語系檔案在原繁體翻譯者 YSL 的 1.5.988 版本基礎上更新和修改,借用了他的舊版本資源并已得到他的同意,向他表示感謝!
作者: 風中決斗 (漢化新世紀成員) 2005-12-11
繁體和簡體語系檔案下載 請 至:https://www.smartftp.com/localization/projects/chinese/
Because the official FTP server doesn't let me log in, I can not upload my files and update the web page.
If you need the language file of Chinese traditional, bellow:
language file (version: 1.5.990)
And I must say,"This is the last version I translate, because I am very busy in work and almost have no time to do this." Sorry to many people.
If someone need my SmartFTP translate dictionary, please e-mail to me.(Just Alchemy Catalyst 4.0 project files)
And SmartFTP still have some problems with it.
This photo is "FlashFXP browers the FTP server."
And the bellow is SmartFTP log in the same server:
It doesn't display the double character very well.
Chinese Traditional translation 1.5.991.22 for SmartFTP updated!
SmartFTP 1.5.991.22 繁體中文档案升級
Updated and modified base on YSL's (the original Traditional Chinese author) translation 1.5.988 with his agreement.
download link(下載):
https://www.smartftp.com/localization/pr ... FTPCHT.exe
本繁體語系檔案在原繁體翻譯者 YSL 的 1.5.988 版本基礎上更新和修改,借用了他的舊版本資源并已得到他的同意,向他表示感謝!
作者: 風中決斗 (漢化新世紀成員) 2005-12-11