hey, guys, what's the global queue all about, i.e., what's it used for? i've only used direct (and session queue once or twice).
when using direct d/l, the file view is blocked because the file transfer uses the currently existing connection. so you cannot browse the site while downloading from it. direct download has several other drawbacks, e.g. there is no automatic resume feature. use the global queue to overcome all these issues.
sheesh. i didn't know it could do all that. i always wanted to be able to browse while dloading, but as far as auto resume, i thought that you could with direct d/l. if by auto resume it means you can continue dloading from where the file was last dloaded, then direct d/l certainly does, but if that's not what i means, and i 'm guessing that's the case, then what does it mean? also, i'm having trouble using the global queue. i right click a folder, dload>global queue, but nothing happens. i know that nothing dloads b/c that's basically what a queue is for, but i don't know what to do from there. thanks for any help. i know i'm probably just doing something dumb or absent mindedly missing something obvious, but thanks for the help.
nevermind, i looked at the tutorial and saw that you have to go to view>toolbars>transfers. thanks!
by "automatic resume" i mean that the transfer is continued where it stopped if e.g. the connection was lost, or smartftp was restarted.
you can also simply press ctrl-q to toggle the queue view.
for easier usage of the global queue, go to general -> navigation in the settings and select "queue - global - default" for "double click action" and "queue" for "default drag & drap operation". then, when you double-click on a remote file, it will be downloaded to your default downloader folder (specified at settings -> general) using the global queue, and drag & drop opeations will use the global queue, too.
sweet. thanks. i'm still trying to get used to using the global queue, but it does seem far superior to direct d/l and, of course, session queue. i will post any other questions i have. peace.