Fails to load msi.dll from setup.exe

I appear to have the same problem as gideon though was not able to complete the installation by following your advice.
SmartFTP Client MSI Package 1.5.989.4

Windows Installer Installation Wrapper (window)
Setup was unable to upgrade the Windows Installer
Failed to load "msi.dll".

Also have a MS WindowsME system. I just ran Windows Update at the Microsoft upgrade site thus I expect my Windows upgrades are fine. I noted a 1.84mb file for msi.dll at windowssystem. However when I ran the downloaded InstMsiA.exe program from the MS download page you linked to, I received an error while setup.exe ran popping up an error window:

The specified service already exists.

Thus I expect that service may already be installed or whatever is current. I also rebooted my computer and tried all the above twice again.

Hi, try ussing nsi build as workarround.

Thanks Ao,

That seemed to do the trick. Later I got the application running, and after poking around a we bit with the interface, loaded up several hundred files onto my new website.