Slow upload speed

My transfer out speed seems to be 2KB, even though I have good connection. How can I increase this speed, so SmartFTP uploads the files quicker.



Do you have this problem with all FTP server ?


Check your settings.

1) click Tools -> Settings...
2) Expand Transfer
3) Select Speed Limits
4) Make sure that everything is set to 0=unlimited

I also found that SmartFTP v2 was slow uploading to a pretty generic ProFTPd server (any of them) but fast to other servers. A client reported to me that v1.5 was much slower (45KB/s) but I got ~120 KB/s on a T1 (max ~180KB/s).

Under Transfer:Performance, try setting your "Send Buffer Size" DOWN from 2048 to 1024. That seemed to increase uploading speed for me a little.

- Steve Yates
- ITS, Inc.

- As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.

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