bug with restarting


I have upgraded to smart ftp 1.5.988

Occasionally while uploading a file gets stuck in the global queue. It retries and retries but never gets uploaded.

This is a piece out of the log.

[20050805 13:36:01] Log opened
[20050805 13:36:01] Remote file exist check: 'temp16.tmp'.
[20050805 13:36:01] SIZE temp16.tmp
[20050805 13:36:01] 213 1801
[20050805 13:36:01] TYPE I
[20050805 13:36:02] 200 Type set to I
[20050805 13:36:02] PORT 192,168,0,100,5,205
[20050805 13:36:02] 200 PORT command successful
[20050805 13:36:02] REST 1801
[20050805 13:36:02] 350 Restarting at 1801. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[20050805 13:36:02] STOR temp16.tmp
[20050805 13:36:02] 451 temp16.tmp: Append/Restart not permitted, try again
[20050805 13:36:02] Log closed
[20050805 13:36:33] Log opened
[20050805 13:36:33] Resolving host name "ftp.asbestosabc.com"
[20050805 13:36:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[20050805 13:36:33] Connected to ftp.asbestosabc.com.
[20050805 13:36:34] 220 FTP Server Ready
[20050805 13:36:34] USER ftp@asbestosabc.com
[20050805 13:36:34] 331 Password required for ftp@asbestosabc.com.
[20050805 13:36:34] PASS (hidden)
[20050805 13:36:34] 230 User ftp@asbestosabc.com logged in.
[20050805 13:36:34] SYST
[20050805 13:36:34] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20050805 13:36:34] FEAT
[20050805 13:36:34] 211-Features:
[20050805 13:36:34] MDTM
[20050805 13:36:34] REST STREAM
[20050805 13:36:34] SIZE
[20050805 13:36:34] 211 End
[20050805 13:36:34] PWD
[20050805 13:36:34] 257 "/" is current directory.
[20050805 13:36:34] CWD /asbestosabc.com/html/js
[20050805 13:36:35] 250 CWD command successful
[20050805 13:36:35] PWD
[20050805 13:36:35] 257 "/asbestosabc.com/html/js" is current directory.
[20050805 13:36:35] Remote file exist check: 'temp16.tmp'.
[20050805 13:36:35] SIZE temp16.tmp
[20050805 13:36:35] 213 1801
[20050805 13:36:35] TYPE I
[20050805 13:36:35] 200 Type set to I
[20050805 13:36:35] PORT 192,168,0,100,6,43
[20050805 13:36:35] 200 PORT command successful
[20050805 13:36:35] REST 1801
[20050805 13:36:35] 350 Restarting at 1801. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[20050805 13:36:35] STOR temp16.tmp
[20050805 13:36:36] 451 temp16.tmp: Append/Restart not permitted, try again
[20050805 13:36:36] Log closed

This is repeated until I kill the upload.


From your log:
451 temp16.tmp: Append/Restart not permitted, try again

You don't have permission to resume a file on this FTP server. But if SmartFTP find a file on the server with the same name but a smaller size, I have configured it to resume the file (default setting).

You can:
1) Delete "temp16.tmp" file from the server prior to upload it.
2) Change the settings: menu Tools>Settings, Transfer>File Exists from "Resume" to "Overwrite".
3) Ask to the FTP server owner to change your permissions.



Thanks - I changed the setting from resume to overwrite and everything is fine now.