I've been having issues with SmartFTP ever since the .5 series has been released.
I've been trying out a lot of things and finally decided to come here. Lately SmartFTP (988.50 NSI) has been crashing on exits. But not every time. I thought I had it figured out when I was checking and unchecking the Splash at startup setting. With splash the program would be fine, without, crash. But then I deleted the SmartFTP registry key and failed to reproduce the same behavior with the splash setting.
However, now it happened with the local toolbar. Everything fine before, display the local toolbar, close program, fine. But then SmartFTP always crashes on exit and I'm unable to get rid of that toolbar without deleting the registry key again. And after that I've been reproducing it without a problem.
The crash is one of those "SmartFTP has encountered a problem and has to close" things. Click on Close and then DrWatsonPostMortemDebugger has encountered a problem and has to close. Click on Close, nothing happens. Have to get rid of everything via the task manager. I should say that the error reporting service has been set to disabled on my machine. I could enable that and try again, but I hope the above is enough material to sort this out.
If not, tell me what you need. This is very annoying.
+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Home
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
CPU Speed : 3391 MHz
Total Memory : 1046604 KB
Free Memory : 726156 KB
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 1.5.988.50
Time Stamp : 2005-07-31 04:38:05
+- Application DLL --------------------
Controls.dll : 1.6.988.50
sfFTPLib.dll :
SmartHook.dll :
+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 1.5.988.50
+- System DLL -------------------------
unicows.dll : 1.0.4018.0
shell32.dll : 6.00.2900.2620 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050225-1820)
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2900.2668 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050430-1553)
comctl32.dll : 6.0 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180
+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2
I've been trying out a lot of things and finally decided to come here. Lately SmartFTP (988.50 NSI) has been crashing on exits. But not every time. I thought I had it figured out when I was checking and unchecking the Splash at startup setting. With splash the program would be fine, without, crash. But then I deleted the SmartFTP registry key and failed to reproduce the same behavior with the splash setting.
However, now it happened with the local toolbar. Everything fine before, display the local toolbar, close program, fine. But then SmartFTP always crashes on exit and I'm unable to get rid of that toolbar without deleting the registry key again. And after that I've been reproducing it without a problem.
The crash is one of those "SmartFTP has encountered a problem and has to close" things. Click on Close and then DrWatsonPostMortemDebugger has encountered a problem and has to close. Click on Close, nothing happens. Have to get rid of everything via the task manager. I should say that the error reporting service has been set to disabled on my machine. I could enable that and try again, but I hope the above is enough material to sort this out.
If not, tell me what you need. This is very annoying.
+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Home
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
CPU Speed : 3391 MHz
Total Memory : 1046604 KB
Free Memory : 726156 KB
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 1.5.988.50
Time Stamp : 2005-07-31 04:38:05
+- Application DLL --------------------
Controls.dll : 1.6.988.50
sfFTPLib.dll :
SmartHook.dll :
+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 1.5.988.50
+- System DLL -------------------------
unicows.dll : 1.0.4018.0
shell32.dll : 6.00.2900.2620 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050225-1820)
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2900.2668 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050430-1553)
comctl32.dll : 6.0 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180
+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2