Not all files showing up

When I go into my public_HTML folder, 75% of my stuff isn't showing up, what steps would you recommend I take in order to resolve this issue.

Also, I would like to setup a password protected folder for my friend to use to upload, how can I do that?

If you want to get support, please follow the forum rules for such posts. "75% of my stuff isn't showing up" is simply a worthless statement. Please post the raw directory listing of that folder, and tell us exactly which files do not show up (What do those files have in common?). And post your system information from the Help -> About menu.

Setting up a password protected folder must be done one the server side. There is no way to use an FTP client like SmartFTP to do that. Moreover, FTP servers do not allow you to password protect a single folder. The FTP server admin will need to create a whole new password protected account, which allows only uploading to your desired folder.

Oh. I drew a pic of what has happened. My files stop showing up at the letter "c", meaning all other file names that start with d,e,f,g,h,i,j,etc dont show up.

As you can see in the logview, the server says that it truncated the output. To fix the problem move some files into a new directory.

226 Output truncated to 2000 matches

Is there a way that I may up the truncated number to 4000?

AlbertFattal wrote:226 Output truncated to 2000 matches

Is there a way that I may up the truncated number to 4000?

No, it's server configuration.