i just recently switched routers from netgear to linksys and now whenever i try to get into something it usually will say command abborted server timeout. i tried switcing from pasv to port but didnt work. thanks for the help.

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 05-2Pac-When We Ride.mp3(10027820 bytes).
10027820 bytes received successfully. (257.71 KB/s) (00:00:38).
226 Transfer complete.
PORT 192,168,1,101,7,219
Command aborted. Server timeout.
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
Connection closed.

Hi, try updating the firmware of your router.

not very familiar with routers. how do i do that? will try it for sure but have no clue how to do it. thanks for the help.

Well each router is diferent.... if you don't know you can broke the router.

so what should i do? i just got it setup like 2 days ago. so how do i update it?