HUGE uploading problem...need help asap!!

I'm trying to upload a file to a server and everything starts off just fine. However when my file gets to 5.04MB (its 56.06MB) It stops and says: Connection closed. Server timeout.

Why the hell is it doing this??? I've been in touch with the other site and they aren't experiancing any problems so whats up?? I've uploaded to it before using SmartFTP and not had a problem. Can anyone shed any light on why its doing this please??? I really need some help ASAP Thanks.

Make sure you use the global queue for uploads, then this should not occur.

Ok I just put my file into global queue and started it uploading and its got to the same place and stopped. I'm trying again but is there any reason it may be doing this???

ok now it seems to keep disconnecting and reconnecting but it is only uploading 0.40kb/s. Is this normal?!?! And is there a way to speed it up???

Thanks for the help, but for some reason it just uploaded this morning. I didn't change anything or install/uninstall anything. It just did it. I'll bear that in mind though if it happens again.