Cannot Upload Whole Folders, just files within folder

Hi All

I guess there must be an answer, I have tried smartftp on at least 2 seperate computer setups with the same result.

1, when i try to upload a website, the subfolders cannot be selected an then uploaded, so each folder has to be opened then the contents uploaded to an folder manually created on the webserver

2, so, where there are multple subfolders as can happen with graphics etc
this becomes mental

3, Internet explorer handles this easily, what am I missing cos i am sure thatno one with a website having hundreds of subfolders, with subfolders within subfolders, would tolerate this.

I mean to buy a full ftp client, but this is,,,,

I don't know how you're trying to do it but I do the following:

Turn on the Local Browser window through FTP > Local Browser (The menus at the top.)

This gives you a display of all your folders on your PC like Windows Explorer (WE).

Navigate to the folder you wish to upload as you would in WE.

Drag and drop this folder into the appropriate folder in the Window showing your website folders.

Voila! (Touch wood...)

This uploads subfolders by default - or it did when I had to completely upload my whole site when I changed hosts.

Hope this helps.