Change of directories

I am new to using ftp and I cannot figure our how to open my html directory. I can log into the ftp without any problems, but the files are in the html directory and I cannot get to them. Can anyone help?

Do you mean how to get to the html folder (directory) on your website, or on your PC?

If on the website then you should be presented with a window showing the folder structure of your website which you can navigate like Windows Explorer.

If, as I suspect, you mean get to the html folder on your PC - and to upload from there - then I do the following:

Right click on the folder (on the website) you wish to upload to. Select Upload > Direct > Select Files... from the context menu.

This gives a window from where you can navigate through your PC's files to the file(s) you wish to upload. Having found the folder with the files you're after you can select one or more (Use Ctrl with the mouse to select more than one file) and click OK (or it might be "Upload").

Hopefully you'll be Robert's nephew at this point.

Hope this helps.