Ignore Empty Files


I have "ignore zero size files" unchecked but it's still ignoring the files... how do I get it to upload empty files? I've tried closing and reopening but no joy

v1.1.985 - licensed



Are you uploading with direct transfers or with the help of the global queue?


Hi Mat

direct transfer - an install of vBulletin

but I've tried with individual files, drag and drop from Explorer. Says

Skipping empty file "index.html".

Please check in both settings:

Global Settings: menu

Favorite Item Settings
menu: Favorites->Edit Favorites
Rigth click on favorite item, select Properties from context menu
Go to the Transfer dialog in the favorite item settings.

I hope this helps.


Thank you, thank you!

that was sneaky, but very cool, to have default settings and then site settings for this. I never even considered that!

All fine and dandy now

