Transfers between computers using same connection

I have 2 computers connected to a Linxsys router that my ISP (high speed cable) assigns the sameIP address to. Is there any way that I can use SmartFTP to transfer files from 1 computer to the other? I kept getting a response that it could not establish a connection. I couldn't find a similar querie via search, so if this is a duplicate, I apologize. Searching my "local" connection with SmartFTP only comes up with files & directories on the individual PC's, not both. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you. :?:

First of all, your ISP assigns a *single* IP to your router, and none to your PCs. Then the PCs get *different* IPs assigned by the router (just run "ipconfig" at the command prompt on each PC, and you will see they have different IPs).

Secondly, you can only transfer files via FTP if you have both a client and a server. SmartFTP is only a client, so you need to set up a server. But for transferring files form one PC to the other in your home network this probably is overkill. Just use Windows shares to do that.

Just use Windows shares to do that.

Thanks, but no thanks, I may as well publish my IP address as rely on Microsoft technology (world's # 1 oxymoron). I'll use my web site as middleman, heck of a waste of bandwidth.