is this only me?? Connection aborted?!?

Hey Guys and Gals,

When i try to upload alot of files, lets say a script, and it has about 20 files no bigger then 800kb and about 3 folders with a few other small files in those folders.. Smart FTP will upload about 20% - 40% sometimes not even that much.. and then it will give me this message:

227 Entering Passive Mode (72,9,231,34,234,148)
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 60052.
STOR newnav2_31.jpg
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
Connection closed.

i have tried uploading on about 4 different hosting accounts (all on different machines) and still the same error.. Any help?!?

Same thing happens to me. Seems to be a recent development. A real pain when I am attempting to back up a website and it disconnects part way through.

It doesn't seem to matter which host I connect to, it consistently happens.

Anyone have any insight?

Hello ...

First of all the problems are not caused by SmartFTP or by any "recent" development. It's the software you installed on your computer or the remote server. Known software which are causing 99% of all problems are software firewalls or antivirus products (e.g. Norton Antivirus 2005, Norton Personal Firewall, etc). For details see the kb article at:

corona: Use the global queue for all transfers. It will automatically reconnect and auto-resume your transfers. See the howtos at:


Thanks for tips.

I have just begun a backup through the global queue. I will post the results soon.

The Global Queue feature worked like a champ. Not only would it pick-up on a dropped connection but with being able to increase the # of threads, I was able to speed the entire process.

It appeared that the servers I was connecting to were dropping the connections. I would never encounter that on shorter sessions but as I have been backing up entire sites and uploading larger files I was facing that issue more and more.

Thanks for the saved the day.