425 Security: Bad IP connecting.


I am running smartFTP and are having problems connecting to a vsftp on a fedora fc3. The error code I get is: 425 Security: Bad IP connecting.

This is only a problem if I connect FTP over SSL. If I do normal FTP everything works just fine.

Are there additional settings I have to do in my router? All ports >1023 are already opened.

My ftp server is in the same local network as my work-machine, and if I try to connect FTP over SSL locally everything works seamless.

Here is a copy of the log I get:
SmartFTP v1.1.984.17
Resolving host name
Connecting to ( -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to ( -> Time = 10ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 Velkommen til ftp-serveren p

Enable Settings->Connection "Force Server IP For PASV Mode"


Thanks a lot - that did it!!!!

I have one more question. I am trying to limit the port range in settings -> connection since my router are having problems to do NAT with ports >49000. Althoug I have limited the port range, the undesired ports are still in use by smartFTP.

Is there a way to solve this as well?
