Local Browser Won't Stop Refreshing

I have used SmartFTP for about a year. I am the latest version.

The thing is pissing me off, the local browser keeps refreshing every 2 seconds and I cant do ANYTHING!

This has started happening to me as well. I did install some other ftp clients for testing and thats when it seemed to happen. If you find out a fix please let me know.

Thanks a bunch.

Hello ...

If you can provide useful information how to reproduce the problem we are able to look at it. The localbrowser should only refresh if it gets specific shell notify messages. If you have a network drive mapped the localbrowser may refresh more than necessary.


I have found the problem might be linked to WinZip. If I unzip a file to the deskop using the right click menu and either choosing "extract here" or "extract to folder" the ftp client will do this refreshing thing.

On the local browser window I can choose any directory except for the desktop on the top of the list and C:documents and settings[username]desktop.

I'm going to try an updated version of WinZip sometime in the next couple of days and see if it will correct the problem.

I was able to install the new version sooner than I thought. It did not fix the problem however with WinZip 9.0SR1

Hello ...

You can set menu: View->Auto Column Sizing to Off. The browser will still refresh but its a lot faster.


The refresh is much faster after changing this setting. however, when I use the right click menu on a document or one of the program menus like file, view, Commanct, etc.. they disappear when the local browser refreshes.

I would have to browse away from the deskop before I can make any changes to settings.