Hey i got a very intresting problem here!

in fact i really can log in anonymously and even see "mail" and "pub" folders! i wasn'r required to enter any password or orther log in information. you really should check your account's configuration ...

is it possible that my ip is blocked by the server.?

And why we keep getting some IRC_SOCKET_ERROR
on large FTPuploads.

ok some how the anonomus was turned on
maybe my parner

its now off
so please try again to see if there is any difference

i still can reach the server and anonymous log-in is turned off, as it should be. i've no idea what causes your problems, though. but the message " Connection timeout. No response from server." does not sound as if your ip has been blocked by the server. it rather sounds like a general network configuration error, or maybe a router is blocking your ip ...

well thats what i thought too
but now i sort of now what the problem is

its the MOD_SECURITY that is installed on the server
it has blocked me because it thought i tried to access the /~root

but maybe it was enteriing the password wrong im not sure why
but now i cant even get online with my site
or any site hosted on the server ip

well thank for your advice eyebex

it was handy
now i just need to find a way to un ban my self
lucky its a managed server
and i have another admin you can look into things