Connecting to MOVEit DMZ

When connecting to MOVEit DMZ 3.1.7 or previous versions, you MUST clear the "-a" and "-L" options out of the "Commands | Connections | List..." window if you want to see directory listings (always a good thing).

MOVEit DMZ doesn't have the Unix-ish concepts of hidden files or links, so versions 3.1.7 and earlier treat "-aL" as a file name; thus the empty directory listings. In MOVEit DMZ 3.2 and higher, the "-aL" options used by SmartFTP by default are ignored (so a normal directory listing is returned).

See also: Standard Networks Support Site

Hello ..

Can you post the log of your FTP session. Im trying to figure out how we can detect a MoveIt DMZ FTP server.


The short answer is to check for "MOVEit DMZ" in the response to the SYST command.

220-Welcome To Standard Networks
---> USER myuser
331 Password required for myuser
Password: ********
---> PASS mypassword
230-Welcome to Standard Networks' support site, powered by MOVEit DMZ!
230-This server is configured to do passive mode transfers only.
230 User myuserlogged in.
---> SYST--->
215 Windows_NT version 5.0 (MOVEit DMZ FTP

The latest SmartFTP build 1.1.984.25 doesn't send list arguments for FTP servers which identify themselfs as "Windows_NT" in the SYST reply.
