How to upload a zip file and have someone be able to downloa

I would like to send a folder of pictures as a zip file but it is quite large and Outlook will not let that thing go through the mail. I'm pretty sure it's over it's limit. Can I make this into a zip file using Win Zip and upload it and allow them to download and unzip it?

I use Smart FTP as my ftp program, can someone walk me through the steps for doing this correctly? I know how to upload a slideshow exe file and the path name for that but what would be the path for a zip file? Would you still upload it to the public_html folder like the slideshow?


It doesn't really matter where you put it, as long as you're able to reach it later.

Uploading a zip file (or any other type of file) is done by dragging it from either the Local Browser or from some other external window.

Connect to your site, enter the directory you want to upload, then open the Local Browser by going to FTP -> Local Browser (or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+L) and locate the file you want to upload.

Then simply drag the file from the Local Browser to desired folder of the FTP site you're uploading to.

I think that by putting it in your public_html folder it will be accessible via HTTP. (e.g.