Broken Pipe

im in the midst of downloading from the and my smartftp starts off ok,then bottoms out and i get this 227 Entering Passive Mode (152,2,210,24,231,67).
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 59203.
REST 1209416
350 Restarting at 1209416. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
RETR phil59-04-05d1t01.shn
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for phil59-04-05d1t01.shn (25100629 bytes)
Connection closed. Server timeout.
451 Transfer aborted. Broken pipe
226 Abort successful
CWD /pub/multimedia/tunetree/Phil
250 CWD command successful
257 "/pub/multimedia/tunetree/Phil" is current directory.
Cached directory reloaded.

my local area connection icon lights go off at the 150 about 15 secs or so into the transfer,then i get the 451 transfer aborted.i have no internet connection issues cause ive been on the phone with time warner all night.someone please help

thanks in advance,terrapin joe