What is going on....


am embarrased to ask this...
But I thought FTPs allowed me to transfer files between two people...
or aloow me to act like an FTP server or soemthing....

Does it not do that ?!?!

How do I get someone to downlaod a file form my PC..
After setting a password asking them to do so ?!?!

you can't do that by using just smartftp. smartftp is just a client, which transfers files from / to a server. two people running smartftp can't exchange files. one side needs to run a server software the other can connect to (using smartftp). an example for a good windows ftp server is filezilla server (free and open source).

Thank you very much...

I was honestly Lost...
i was trying to read the help and saw the flash tutotrials..

but for the life of me I coudn't see WHERE the tutotial on how to HOST files was...
