Connection timeout during uploading >8kb

Is anybody having the same problem as mine? There isn't any problem uploading files < 8kb, but for files > 8kb (such as a flash file or a graphic file), the server will timeout. You'll not be able to refresh the directories, change directories (delete files, etc...) for the next 40 seconds. After that, FTP works normally again.

I've decided to increase the timeout time to 90 seconds and this is what I've found out: 8kb of data was sent out at the beginning, then there will be a delay of about 60 seconds before another 2kb of data uploaded. This continues until the file was totally uploaded.

I'm not really sure if the problem is caused by the server or the client, but this is what I know:

- It only happen recently (To be exact, starting from two days ago)
- The server went down two days ago. It's up now.
- Server admin was sure that he didn't change any settings.
- I didn't change any settings either. :/
- Firewall doesn't affect the SFTP (I'm using Mcafee Internet Security Suite 6). Anyway, I did turn it off to test.

Any help will be appreciated concerning what causes the problem and how to solve it.

I try to upload anything larger than 8k I get the time out connection closed error. PLease help trying to work on web page for Neighborhood association.

I can access and make folders and move/delete folders and dnload stuff just can't upload.

Hi, plz paste a full log on trying upload, also, try ussing port or pasv mode if you are ussing the other.

Thanks for replying.

I've tried both PORT and PASV, but the problem still exist (PASV is worst than PORT, there's no more data transfer after the first 8kb).

Log (PASV mode, timeout set as 9999 seconds):

227 Entering Passive Mode (69,158,14,105,23,166)
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 6054.
STOR swordfireforum.gif
150 Ok to send data.
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
421 Data timeout. Reconnect. Sorry.
Connection closed.

Log (PORT mode, timeout set as 20 seconds):

PORT 219,74,153,222,4,103
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1127.
STOR swordfireforum.gif
150 Ok to send data.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Connection closed. Server timeout.

Log (PORT mode, timeout set as 60 seconds):

PORT 219,74,153,222,4,108
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1132.
STOR swordfireforum.gif
150 Ok to send data.
33077 bytes sent successfully. (0.06 KB/s) (00:09:02).
Connection closed. Server timeout.
PORT 219,74,153,222,4,110
226 File receive OK.

I've also included a graph (PORT mode, timeout set as 60 seconds):

flaboy should have the same problem as mine, with timeout set as default 20 seconds.

Yes, I'm having the same problem.
Just d/l SmartFTP a couple days ago, had trouble with the first upload, today.
I first thought like a port/router thing but if more folks have it..

I've managed to change to another webhost and this is what I know about this problem:

1) For my case, the problem is cause by the server, not the client (me). I connect to another webhost and there isn't any problem with the uploading at all. But once I connect to my old webhost, I can't upload properly again.

2) Since there isn't any problem accessing the webhost through HTTP (The problem only affects FTP), most likely the firewall is not setup properly, either the server side or the client (or both). Try disabling your firewall temporary first and try it out. For me, I've decided to give up and use the new webhost...