I was wonder is there a way to change hte user name and password for FTP ...On my game server I got a user and pass i want to change it to something I'd remember.


the answer depends on many things ... usually, only the server's admin can change the pw. so if you're the admin, just refer to the server docs how to do so.
*some* ftp servers however allow the user to change his password via extensions to FTP called SITE commands. in any case, you must have the proper rights assigned to be able to change your pw. here's a checklist:

1. find out what server software you're running
2. check if that server supports custom SITE commands
3. if it does, see if smartftp already has ready-made templates for your server in the "commands" -> "custom commands" menu.
4. if not, but your server supports changing the password via SITE commands, connect to the server, select "view" -> "show panes" -> "command line" an enter the command manually.
5. if all that fails, contact the server's admin and let him do it.