SmartFTP is freezing while browsing trough 'Local browser'


I've recently installed SmartFTP on my computer. Though when I'm trying to browse trough the 'Local browser' the program freezes. This happens when I try to see the content of 'My computer'. At one single time I suceeded to get at list of my drives in 'My computer'. Then when I accessed one of these drives, SmartFTP also did freeze.

My computer is a AMD Barton XP 2500+ with 512 MB DDR of memery. It's running Windows XP with Service Pack 1.

Thanks a lot, Bigfoot

Plz paste a full report of exact version with that trouble, por example Version : 1.0.984.3.
Also try updating your windows fully, have you checked that your box is spyware/virus free?

Sorry about that with the version. It is the 1.0.983.

Due to my security beliefs I haven't installed Service Pack 2 on my computer.

And yes, it is spyware/virus free

Try deleting the registry key of SmartFTP with the SmartFTP backup tool and check again if it works.

I reinstalled the whole thing, and it seems to work fine by now.

Thanks for your help, anyway