Getting rid of nag screen

although SmartFTP is supposed to be free for personal use, I cannot see a way for home users to get rid of the nag screen. Is it possible? Is there a way to get a free unlock key? if not, then it's NOT free for personal use, it's NAGWare..

Hi, I'm not sure.. but maybe if you go to settings <display and uncheck the display splash at startup button it might help? If it doesn't, maybe there's some other way to turn it off.


there is no way for home users to get rid of the nag screen other than buying a license. nevertheless, i wouldn't call smartftp nagware, as a single screen upon startup is really okay (an unlicensed smartftp is not limited in functionality in any way). smartftp is "free for personal use", it's just not "freeware (for personal use)".

The License Reminder is okay, but in older builds like 1.0.982 it would only come up at workdays (Monday to Friday) from 8am to 5pm, which was really okay! At other times there was no License Reminder!!!

Official Knowledge Base:

Why did that change? So this is really bad in the new version (1.0.983), that the NAG-Screen come up everytime i start up the program (for example saturday at 6pm)...

And i think, if this would not change in future, i'm searching for an other FTP-Program, that don't sucks that way at startup...

I have already dropped SmartFTP because of this.

The old method was fine, as i rarely saw the nage screen, as I used it out of work hours. The new version is unbearable.

take a look at

Hopefully the guys at SmartFTP, if they want to retain a "free userbase", will realise the error of their ways...

Even though SmartFTP is kinda crap now I wouldn't go as far as to say that filezilla is better..... cuz it isn't