zuckerj wrote:Geeze,
Everyone is so uptight about supporting each other. Fact of the matter is I was unable to find the solution to my problem here, EVEN AFTER reading all of the posts and documents I could find relating to the crashing issue after SP2 installation.
Well, I am posting the solution I found to my problem in hopes it helps the many other people that are still having difficulty.
I tried deleting the registry key and reinstalling SmartFTP to no effect.
My eventual solution to my crashing problem was to change the "Connection Mode" to "Active Mode (PORT)". (Found in the "Settings" section of SmartFTP).
That was it! Now I am able to connect to my FTP server with no problems. FYI, I was attempting to connect to a VSFTP server being hosted on Redhat Linux v8.0.
I will post this solution to the other threads I have found to make it easier for those in need (rather than saying "Go and find it chump")
I'm still searching for the Registry Key I'm suppossed to delete, why isn't it listed in every thread that says to delete it, what do you delete ?
I'm still using Service pack one and am having the problems.
Changing to Active Mode made no difference at all and just installing the Dev build by itself and not deleting some mystery registry key doesn't help either.