Is it possible to issue manual FTP commands, IE 'get'

I am trying to download files from the veritas public ftp server, but the pub directory is 'blind', IE; it does not allow an 'ls' command to be performed.

So, I need to issue a

get filename

manually, to grab the CD images that have been placed there as part of a support request.

Is this possible with 'smart' ftp?



..PS, editing this post to correct a mistake I made, I get 'you cannot make another post so soon after your last' message.. perhaps this should be disabled when it comes to editing mistakes you make in a post you have just made?

When connected, select View -> Show Panes -> Command Line and issue your custom command there.

Thankyou, I think I must have searched through all the menu options apart from that one ;P

Once I worked out the veritas FTP server kept closing the connection saying 'I am not a web server' because I needed to be saying RETR and not GET, everything was fine.
