images not showing

my pages are uploading just fine however my images are not showing on my website.... i just get big red Xs everywhere. i thought it may be the way i saved the images but when i upload the images onto another server it works just fine.. i've been having this problem for quite sometime now... my hostees who use SmartFTP are having the same problems when they try to upload images... can anyone help with it...

thanks, Turtle rocks

I had the same problem with my jpegs and I made a small adjustment
as follows :-
Check that you have saved all your files in a folder called index_files including your home page and that this is called index.html.

Because I did not have my files exactly like that I could only see gifs and not jpegs.

Hope this might help!

Check that your files are on lowercase and on the .htm/l the links to the files are named on lowercase too.

i have checked that already .. and checked that i have spelled everything correctly yet the problem is still occuring.. i think it has something to do wiht it isnt fully uploading.. but i'm not sure. any other ideas?

Have you tried to check the image with the browser?

yeah, that was one of the things i tried to see if it was just my HTML coding.. it still didnt show when i checked the image itself on the browser.

this is getting really frustrating :evil:

Have you tried to download again the images to another directory on you hard disk and checked if it's ok?
Also, what SmartFTP build are you ussing?