Upgraded To Build 981 > Now I Can't Connect to a Single S

I just upgraded to build 981 and now I can not connect to a single site. The IP below is correct, and I can connect via IE and Dreamweaver, but not SmartFTP. I did not change a single setting in SmartFTP. All I did was upgrade to 981. (I think I was on 979 before maybe?). Any ideas?

Resolving host name harveyk.com...
Connecting to (harveyk.com) -> IP: PORT: 21
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Cannot login waiting to retry (60s)...
Continue to login attempt 2...

Do you have a firewall? maibe because version change it don't allows to connect to SmartFTP.

I just upgraded to build 982 and everthing seems to work fine. I guess it was a bug in build 981?

both version worked great, even when SP2 was installed. Good to know that it works out for you.