Addresses Missing

I used SmartFTP today (build 981) within the last month with no problems.

I tried to use it today and all of my FTP addresses are gone. Only "" shows in the address pull down window.

Other settings seem to be gone (Threads = 1; KBps/thread=0).

I tried doing a restore from tape (BackupExec) of: C:Windows/Applications/SmartFTP. No luck

I then tried a restore of C:Program Files/SmartFTP. No luck again. I didn't restore the registry.because I wasn't sure of how much of the registry would be restored. Backup Exec didn't restore file "SmartHook.dll" and reported it as "in use" although Smart FTP was not open at that time.

I believe all of the data file locations are in their default locations.

Where are the list of FTP addresses stored. I don't think I ever added them to "Favorites" but, they have always been in the Addresses pull-down window.

I'm running under Win98 (not Win98 SE) on a H.P. Vectra PIII.

Any help would be appreciated.

Tx. in advance.