TLS prior to logon

I need this too.
Cant use smartftp to connect to glftpd+tls
It worked in flashfxp.

Here is wat I get when trying to connect with smartftp:

220 Alfred (glftpd 1.32_Linux+TLS) ready.

    USER notvalid

530 User notvalid access denied. Use secure access

With flashfxp I get this:

220 Alfred (glftpd 1.32_Linux+TLS) ready.


234 AUTH SSL successful

Negotiating SSL/TLS session...

SSL/TLS negotiation successful...

SSL/TLS connection using cipher ***-***-***-***-*** (168 bits)


200 PBSZ 0 successful

USER notvalid

331 Password required for notvalid.

PASS (hidden)

230 User notvalid logged in.

I have the same problem. Seems SmartFTP never sends the AUTH command but just goes on straigt to USER. Even though i tried every single setting i could find that should enable tls.

There is a button on the right side of "Address:" label in the URL toolbar. Select "FTP over SSL (Explicit)".

The better way would be to add a favorite and change the protocol in the favorite item settings.

The howtos explain how to connect to a SSL/TLS enabled server.

I've read through as much help as I could find that seemed related to this issue.

I am a glftpd TLS site admin with no luck in connecting when TLS is enabled.

FlashFXP connects via TLS just fine.

Please fix this bug!