problem to connect an IPv6 server


I don't succeed in connecting my IPv6 server and I don't understand why.
It seems smartFTP doesn't recognise my IPv6 address, so it tries to connect to a strange IPv4 address.
The IPv6 address I'm trying to reach is 2001:688:1f88:400a::ad3 in anonymous connection and here is what it is written in the connection box:

Resolving host name 2001...
Connecting to (2001) -> IP: PORT: 21
Connection timeout.No response from server.
Cannot login waiting to retry (5s)...

It seems smartFTP doesn't accept ":"
Just for information: if I try to connect to the same server with an IPv4 address, there isn't any problem.

Does someone have an idea about the problem?


Enter the ipv6 ip like that:


Thanks a lot. No more problem.