desperate help

:?: I am stumped when it comes to this stuff!!!!!! I am having problems with my website not comimg up because I keep getting the 403 forbidden coming up. I have read many of the other posts regarding this but many of you talk in computer lingo or use typing shortforms so I don't understand (I told you I was an slow with this stuff!!). From what I read I know that my pages are uploaded but I do not have an index page at all and that I am supposed to change my homepage to index.html. I don't understand how to do this?
I need someone patient who will literally walk me through this step by step and explain and type in plain old english. I used Frontpage to design my website, it is for my business. It should have been up and running days ago. Please Help!!!!!!!!! :oops: :cry:

You may be able to get better support from MS regarding Frontpage... As this is a disscussion forum regarding SmartFTP.

But, I assume you are using FrontPage to edit your html, but are using SmartFTP to upload to your site. (???)

Simply rename your home page html file to index.html. Then upload index.html to your web site.

To rename a file in FrontPage:

Go to your View menu, select (I hope you know what select means!) Folder List. A tree view of your folders and files is displayed. Right-click the file you want as the home page and select Rename. Enter index.html and then upload the file.

Thank you!!! you gave me the step by step that I needed. I will see if Ms has anything to help me . I actually suprised myself, making the site wasn't that hard but getting it to open has been a nightmare. Thanks again.