Stops Monitoring Files!

We have several tasks setup under SmartFTP Scheduler to Monitor various files for changes. These tasks have been working for a long time. For some reason over the last few months, SmartFTP will just stop monitoring the files.  At first, I thought it was in need of a reboot, but it's happened again after the reboot.
The server has been up 12 days, and SmartFTP has stopped monitoring the files on 3/3 and 3/4 (Last Run Time) 6 - 7 days ago. So it will monitor the files, see the change and perform the ftp upload for a few days, and then just stop.
The problem is that these files need to be uploaded when the change happens, not a week later when someone is yelling at me about it.
If I simply click the 'Run' button for the task it will see the file has changed and perform the upload just fine. But then it never automatically runs. 
Under Settings > Queue, Options:
On Application Start is set to 'Remember Last Queue State'
On Queue Complete is set to 'Idle'
Any ideas?
Thank you.
+- System -----------------------------
Name                : Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
Version             : 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2
CPU Speed           : 2300 MHz
Architecture        : x86
Total Memory        : 2047 MB
Free Memory         : 1322 MB
UserName            : autojob
Machine Id          : b4e9eb7b-b020-418f-92f1-c5a43956814e
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version             : 5.0.1364.0
Time Stamp          : 2015-04-15 05:40:24
Platform            : x86
Id                  : 388328
License Id          : 400163390
Maintenance         : 2016-04-03T19:05:26
Days in use         : 2570
+- Language ---------------------------

Version 5 has reached EOL and is no longer supported. Please try it with SmartFTP 7 on a modern OS.

Well that's awesome. Why does it say we have maintenance until 4/3/2016?
If we upgrade, is there a way to get a copy of the logins/passwords for the Favorites? Nobody has these anymore.

Yes, you can simply copy the .xml files from %appdata%\SmartFTP\Client 2.0
>Scheduled task
But you have to recreate the scheduled tasks in version 7.

Thank you!
I did Export the Tasks and Import them again, then made a change to the files, and it seemed to automatically kick off. I will monitor to see if that may have jump started them. I will be sure to copy the appdata folder for SmartFTP. :)