smartftp launch failed

tks for the forum, :)
i 've installed the last version of SF on a laptop win 8.1 x64 , when i try to launch it after installation, nothing happen, no error message, just nothing, after reboot, same thing.
Thanks for the help..

many tks for this links but i don't have such key in the registry :
 As if SFtp was not installed ?? (i've done already 2 installations, the first one , and the actual one ..)

Please contact support by email

ok tks...

i 've sent a message 2 days ago to the sales team but i've no reply so far...i realize that to contact support you need to do it through the navigation menu inside sftp but i can't launch it ! so how can i sent a request then to the support team ?
Tks for the reply..

Please send an email to support at smartftp dot com

ok tks a lot..

ok in fact , you've to install a tierce windows component : redist\vcredist_x86.exe (The Visual C++ 2015 Runtime ) to make it launch properly..even if windows is full updated ! 
Solved !