SmartFTP 4.x Can't find 'Continue on error' box


When I transfer from/to a Tivo, it keeps transferring the file over and over. I looked into this, and it is because SmartFTP now sends a SIZE command after the transfer. The Tivo FTP does NOT support SIZE.

So, I was told to go to Settings>Transfer>Files to click on 'Continue on error'

Well, I bought 4.0.1072.0 and that setting is not there.

Where did it go?

Also, is there a way to 'turn off' some of the more esoteric commands some older ftp servers don't support, like SIZE, MDTD, etc so they aren't sent?

Thanks in advance.

Hello ..

Please install the latest version from here

If the problem persists please post the log from the transfer.

Thank you.

Hello ..

Please install the latest version from here

If the problem persists please post the log from the transfer.

Thank you.

I only installed this 2 days ago. Is it already outdated? What is the latest version?

Also, I need the x64 kit, not the x86 kit. (Win7 x64 machine)

Where is that?

I only installed this 2 days ago. Is it already outdated? What is the latest version?

Also, I need the x64 kit, not the x86 kit. (Win7 x64 machine)

UPDATE - I have the latest version, I looked. So where is the 'Continue on error' items that is talked about

Install the latest version from here:

Install the latest version from here:

As I stated.

I HAVE the latest version. 4.0.1072

It still does this.

Where is the 'continue on error' checkbox? Or how do I make this work? Filezilla does not have this problem

Please follow the instructions above. Thanks.

Please follow the instructions above. Thanks.

I did 4.0.1078

Same problem. I watched it. It thinks it did not get the last meg, showed 655/656, then after 30 seconds, restarted the xfer.
Filezilla transferred without problem.

Please post the log from the transfer now. To get it double click the file in the transfer queue.

Other ftp clients do not verify the transfers and therefore they do not face such issues. But we believe it is better to verify the transfers by default.

Please post the log from the transfer now. To get it double click the file in the transfer queue.

Other ftp clients do not verify the transfers and therefore they do not face such issues. But we believe it is better to verify the transfers by default.

Here is the log, as you see, I said the server does NOT ACCEPT the SIZE command as well as not displaying the size in a directory listing, so how do you verify size? I think it is failing because it CAN'T verify size, even though it is told the transfer is complete by the other side.

[23:58:45] Operation Begin
[23:58:45] Resolving host name ""
[23:58:45] Connecting to Port: 3105
[23:58:45] Connected to
[23:58:45] 220 Mfs_Ftp ver 1.2.9a - {sock33} from ""
[23:58:45] SYST
[23:58:45] 215 UNIX
[23:58:45] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[23:58:45] RTT: 87.216 ms
[23:58:45] FEAT
[23:58:45] 502 Command not implemented "FEAT"
[23:58:45] TYPE I
[23:58:45] 200 Type set to I
[23:58:45] REST 0
[23:58:45] 350 Restart okay, awaiting file request.
[23:58:45] PWD
[23:58:45] 257 "/" is current directory.
[23:58:45] CWD /tmf
[23:58:45] 250 Directory change successful.
[23:58:45] PWD
[23:58:45] 257 "/tmf" is current directory.
[23:58:45] SIZE {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[23:58:45] 502 Command not implemented "SIZE {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf"
[23:58:45] SIZE not supported.
[23:58:45] MDTM {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[23:58:45] 502 Command not implemented "MDTM {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf"
[23:58:45] STAT {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[23:58:45] 502 Command not implemented "STAT {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf"
[23:58:45] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[23:58:45] TYPE A
[23:58:45] 200 Type set to I
[23:58:45] PORT 192,168,1,180,238,225
[23:58:45] 200 PORT command successful.
[23:58:45] LIST -aL
[23:58:45] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
[23:59:52] 50173 bytes transferred. (752 bytes/s) (00:01:06)
[23:59:52] 226 Transfer complete.
[23:59:52] TYPE I
[23:59:52] 200 Type set to I
[23:59:52] PORT 192,168,1,180,239,34
[23:59:52] 200 PORT command successful.
[23:59:52] RETR {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[23:59:52] 150 About to open data connection.
[00:03:12] 570434560 bytes transferred. (2.72 MB/s) (00:03:19)
[00:03:12] 226 Transfer complete.
[00:03:12] MDTM {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[00:03:12] 502 Command not implemented "MDTM {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf"
[00:03:12] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[00:03:12] TYPE A
[00:03:12] 200 Type set to I
[00:03:12] PORT 192,168,1,180,239,229
[00:03:12] 200 PORT command successful.
[00:03:12] LIST -aL
[00:03:12] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
[00:05:13] 50185 bytes transferred. (841 bytes/s) (00:00:59)
[00:05:13] 226 Transfer complete.
[00:05:13] Source File: Size=570425344, Time=2010-01-28T11:00:00
[00:05:13] Destination File: Size=570434560, Time=2010-01-28T16:00:00
[00:05:13] RecentTime=2010-01-31T05:03:12
[00:05:13] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[00:05:13] TYPE I
[00:05:13] 200 Type set to I
[00:05:13] PORT 192,168,1,180,240,98
[00:05:13] 200 PORT command successful.
[00:05:13] RETR {Red Dawn}{1970-01-01}{}{11.00 AM Thu Jan 28, 2010}{EPIXHD}.tmf
[00:05:13] 150 About to open data connection.

I was just looking though the mfs_ftp docs. The size it sends is the size of a file plus a header with XML, so the file size you are looking at will NEVER match the size of the file received, because it will be XML+File.

Can you *PLEASE* put back the 'Copntinue on error' checkbox. It worked before, and really older versions worked too, casue you didn't do a size check.

Thanks! I just bought this program, finally. And if this cannot be fixed, it is worthless to me


There is some bug with the server. You need to change the file exist rules:

1. Go to the favorite properties (menu: Favorites->Favorite Properties
2. Go to the Transfer->File Exist dialog
3. Change the Transfer Queue File exist rules from "Use Default Settings" to "Use Favorite Settings"
4. Click on the Edit Rules button
5. In the rules dialog add a new rule:
IF Destination Time=No Matter AND Size=Larger AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Skip

There is some bug with the server. You need to change the file exist rules:

1. Go to the favorite properties (menu: Favorites->Favorite Properties
2. Go to the Transfer->File Exist dialog
3. Change the Transfer Queue File exist rules from "Use Default Settings" to "Use Favorite Settings"
4. Click on the Edit Rules button
5. In the rules dialog add a new rule:
IF Destination Time=No Matter AND Size=Larger AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Skip

And then restart the program.

That works, only side effect is it doesn't show the total size, so cannot give me an estimate for completion time.

Oh well, ok

The FTP server doesn't return the size, so there is no such information provided to the client. Maybe Tivo has fixed their buggy ftp server implementation in the latest firmware.