404 Not Found - Requested URL not found on this server

Hi guys,

Just downloaded my trial version of SmartFTP today.

I have a locked .exe file that I have put in a new folder in the "public_html" folder, the upload was successful, however when I open a new browser window, enter my domain.co.uk/7dtem.exe I get a 404 error telling me that the requested URL could not be found on this server. Does this normally take time for it to upload (file not sitting in the queue) or am I doing something wrong, please help.

I believe what I am trying to do should be fairly simple, but I think it might be I that is being fairly simple.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Kindest Regards


- Check the filename for upper/lower case
- Make sure that you uploaded the file into the correct folder
- Check your URL
- Try a file that doesn't have a .exe extension

- Check the filename for upper/lower case
- Make sure that you uploaded the file into the correct folder
- Check your URL
- Try a file that doesn't have a .exe extension

Hi mb,

Thanks for that.

I renamed the file, so now when I type in the URL without the .exe I get a page, however this page now says:

Index of /7DTEMLocked

Parent directory

So when I click "7DTEMLocked.exe" from the 2 hyperlinks above, the .exe file open like I was after. I am looking for it to open straight away thought can you help me with that or am I asking in the wrong place?

P.S the reason I need to use a .exe file is cause I am following some step by step instructions. (not quite so step by step, as I've done everything in the same order using the same softwear.


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