Uploading at 0.0 bps speed?

Huh... So, uh, I'm trying to upload files, but whatever I do, the files start uploading (via the queue) but the speed is 0.0 bytes per second, meaning I'm not actually uploading anything. I could wait for hours and it wouldn't work. It worked before but then for some odd reason it stopped working... What do I do? D: I tried looking around in settings but I didn't find anything I should be suspicious off. I tried raising/reducing the workers but no luck, so I dunno what to do. Help?

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog. Thanks.

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 

 (Build 7600)

CPU Speed           : 1995 MHz

Total Memory        : 2046 MB

Free Memory         :  832 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version             : 4.0.1066.0

Time Stamp          : 2009-02-11 14:19:51

Platform            : x86

Id                  : 400073822

Maintenance         : 2099-12-12

Days in use         : 16

+- Language ---------------------------


+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version             : 8.0.7600.16385

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock             : 2.2

Instead of using a cracked version I recommend that you purchase a genuine license key first.



I have the same problem.

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 

Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed           : 2194 MHz

Total Memory        : 2047 MB

Free Memory         : 1255 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version             : 4.0.1066.0

Time Stamp          : 2009-11-09 14:19:51

Platform            : x86

Id                  : 400084457

Maintenance         : 2010-11-14

Days in use         : 618

+- Language ---------------------------


+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version             : 6.0.2900.2180

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock             : 2.2

Edit: Here the log of unloading index.php (overwrite existing):
[17:28:00] Operation Begin

[17:28:00] Ermittle IP zu Hostnamen ***

[17:28:00] Verbindung mit *** Port: 21

[17:28:00] Verbunden mit ***.

[17:28:00] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)

[17:28:00] USER web1

[17:28:00] 331 Please specify the password.

[17:28:00] PASS (unsichtbar)

[17:28:00] 230 Login successful.

[17:28:00] SYST

[17:28:00] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[17:28:00] Erkannter Servertyp: UNIX

[17:28:00] RTT: 57.264 ms

[17:28:00] FEAT

[17:28:00] 211-Features:

[17:28:00]  EPRT

[17:28:00]  EPSV

[17:28:00]  MDTM

[17:28:00]  PASV

[17:28:00]  REST STREAM

[17:28:00]  SIZE

[17:28:00]  TVFS

[17:28:00] 211 End

[17:28:00] PWD

[17:28:00] 257 "/"

[17:28:00] CWD /html/***/demo/auction_preview

[17:28:01] 250 Directory successfully changed.

[17:28:01] PWD

[17:28:01] 257 "/html/***/demo/auction_preview"

[17:28:01] TYPE I

[17:28:01] 200 Switching to Binary mode.

[17:28:01] PORT 192,168,0,23,8,104

[17:28:01] 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.

[17:28:01] STOR index.php

[17:29:01] Zeitüberschreitung (60s).

[17:29:01] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74

[17:29:01] Client hat die Verbindung getrennt.

[17:29:01] Transfer failed.

[17:29:01] Operation End

[17:29:31] Operation Begin

[17:29:31] Ermittle IP zu Hostnamen ***

[17:29:31] Verbindung mit *** Port: 21

[17:29:31] Verbunden mit ***.

[17:29:31] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)

[17:29:31] USER web1

[17:29:32] 331 Please specify the password.

[17:29:32] PASS (unsichtbar)

[17:29:32] 230 Login successful.

[17:29:32] SYST

[17:29:32] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[17:29:32] Erkannter Servertyp: UNIX

[17:29:32] RTT: 357.093 ms

[17:29:32] FEAT

[17:29:33] 211-Features:

[17:29:33]  EPRT

[17:29:33]  EPSV

[17:29:33]  MDTM

[17:29:33]  PASV

[17:29:33]  REST STREAM

[17:29:33]  SIZE

[17:29:33]  TVFS

[17:29:33] 211 End

[17:29:33] PWD

[17:29:33] 257 "/"

[17:29:33] CWD /html/***/demo/auction_preview

[17:29:34] 250 Directory successfully changed.

[17:29:34] PWD

[17:29:34] 257 "/html/***/demo/auction_preview"

[17:29:34] Remote file exist check: "index.php".

[17:29:34] TYPE I

[17:29:34] 200 Switching to Binary mode.

[17:29:34] SIZE index.php

[17:29:34] 213 0

[17:29:34] MDTM index.php

[17:29:34] 213 20091114162802

[17:29:34] Source File: Size=27752, Time=2009-11-14T16:16:03

[17:29:34] Destination File: Size=0, Time=2009-11-14T16:28:02

[17:29:34] RecentTime=2009-11-14T16:29:34

[17:29:34] Rule "WENN Zielort Zeit=Kürzlich UND Größe=Kleiner UND Übertragen=Egal DANN Fortsetzen" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:29:34] PASV

[17:29:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,***,***,20,69)

[17:29:35] Öffne Datenverbindung zu ***.***.***.*** Port: 5189

[17:29:35] STOR index.php

[17:30:35] Zeitüberschreitung (60s).

[17:30:35] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/74

[17:30:35] Client hat die Verbindung getrennt.

[17:30:35] Transfer failed.

[17:30:35] Operation End

[17:30:35] Operation Begin

[17:30:35] Ermittle IP zu Hostnamen ***

[17:30:35] Verbindung mit *** Port: 21

[17:30:35] Verbunden mit ***.

[17:30:35] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)

[17:30:35] USER web1

[17:30:35] 331 Please specify the password.

[17:30:35] PASS (unsichtbar)

[17:30:35] 230 Login successful.

[17:30:35] SYST

[17:30:35] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[17:30:35] Erkannter Servertyp: UNIX

[17:30:35] RTT: 57.394 ms

[17:30:35] FEAT

[17:30:35] 211-Features:

[17:30:35]  EPRT

[17:30:35]  EPSV

[17:30:35]  MDTM

[17:30:35]  PASV

[17:30:35]  REST STREAM

[17:30:35]  SIZE

[17:30:35]  TVFS

[17:30:35] 211 End

[17:30:35] PWD

[17:30:35] 257 "/"

[17:30:35] CWD /html/***/demo/auction_preview

[17:30:35] 250 Directory successfully changed.

[17:30:35] PWD

[17:30:35] 257 "/html/***/demo/auction_preview"

[17:30:35] Remote file exist check: "index.php".

[17:30:35] TYPE I

[17:30:35] 200 Switching to Binary mode.

[17:30:35] SIZE index.php

[17:30:35] 213 0

[17:30:35] MDTM index.php

[17:30:35] 213 20091114162802

[17:30:35] Source File: Size=27752, Time=2009-11-14T16:16:03

[17:30:35] Destination File: Size=0, Time=2009-11-14T16:28:02

[17:30:35] RecentTime=2009-11-14T16:30:35

[17:30:35] Rule "WENN Zielort Zeit=Kürzlich UND Größe=Kleiner UND Übertragen=Egal DANN Fortsetzen" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:30:35] PORT 192,168,0,23,8,211

[17:30:36] 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.

[17:30:36] STOR index.php

I tried passive and active ftp - no success.
What can I do?


It looks like a network issue. Try it with another FTP client and see if it works.
Add SmartFTP to the exceptions in your software firewall and antivirus product. Temporary uninstall these products and try again.


Hello Mat,
it doestn't work... Where can I download v4.0.1049.0? Because this version did it.


Did you install the latest build 1072?

1049 is no longer available. Sorry.
