Quick Connect, Session logins, and file transfers

I have a favourite explicitly set up to not save the login information (username and password) for an SSH connection. This is important because the user is root for a server. I log in fine (after confirming that I want have the password apply to the session only). I initiate a file transfer (drag and drop). The transfer gets put in the transfer queue and then goes into a permanent retry loop. Now, if I save the login information as part of the favourite, the transfer works. Obviously, in the former case the file transfer is being executed in a different session where it does not have access to the login information. My question is why was I not queried for the login information for the file transfer session? Or, alternatively, is there a way to set it from the properties menu from the transfer line item? Or, even better, is there a way to set up the login parameters temporarily for a number of transfers at one time? For example, I may have a number of files queued for transfer and I want to select all (or some subset) of them and mark them to use the same login parameters for their transfer instance.

In the login dialog "Session" refers to the application. It means as long as the application returns the session exists. When you close the application the session is terminated and password is removed from the memory.


OK, my misunderstanding. Thanks for clarifying it. If that is the case, what might be the reason for file transfers not working when using a session password? In many repeated tests, file transfers don't go ahead when the favourite it set up to use a session password. The instant the password is stored in the favourite, transfers work like a charm. So I must have something not set up right . . .

In the login dialog "Session" refers to the application. It means as long as the application returns the session exists. When you close the application the session is terminated and password is removed from the memory.


Please double click the file in the transfer queue that fails to transfer. Then post the log from the log window.


Below is a copy of the log (with the ip changed to protect the innocent):

[23:54:43] Resolving host name ""
[23:54:43] Connecting to Port: 22
[23:54:43] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3"
[23:54:43] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: "SSH-2.0-SmartFTP"
[23:54:43] Computing session key.
[23:54:43] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
[23:54:43] Key exchange completed.
[23:54:43] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[23:54:43] Client to Server Encryption: aes256-ctr
[23:54:43] Server to Client Encryption: aes256-ctr
[23:54:43] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[23:54:43] Client to Server Compression: zlib@openssh.com
[23:54:43] Server to Client Compression: zlib@openssh.com
[23:54:43] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[23:54:43] Server supported authentications: publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password
[23:54:43] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[23:54:44] User authentication failed.
[23:54:44] Client closed the connection.
[23:54:44] Source connection error.

Wrong username/password.

Do you have any special chars in your username or password? Because I remember some older versions of OpenSSH do not handle UTF8 usernames/passwords correctly.


No. Anyway, remember that the minute I store the user name and password into the favourite, file transfers work just fine. In fact, right after I cut and paste the log output for this thread, I updated the favourite and the file transferred.

Wrong username/password.

Do you have any special chars in your username or password? Because I remember some older versions of OpenSSH do not handle UTF8 usernames/passwords correctly.
