Cant log into my ISP account

I just downloaded the new version 3 64 bit version, on vista 64

When I log into my ISP control panel or with my other FTP programs it logs in ok.

I use the same user id and password with Smart FTP and I keep getting:

530 login incorrect

I know I have the correct use id and password.

Any ideas.

Try to open a new connection:
Menu: File->New Remote Browser

Also did you try this with another FTP client? Usually if the server returns 530 login incorrect the username/password is incorrect or there is a problem on the server side (e.g. account disabled, non existant etc).


Try to open a new connection:
Menu: File->New Remote Browser

Also did you try this with another FTP client? Usually if the server returns 530 login incorrect the username/password is incorrect or there is a problem on the server side (e.g. account disabled, non existant etc).


Its ok.

I forgot that I have a different log in for FTP then for my control panel.