so... I went to do this again to get the log... and it worked fine. So I thought this odd considering it did it same thing 3 times before (repeating the download of the first file on the list and not moving on). So I thought... what did I do different? and at first I couldn't think of anything. Then I realized what it was.
For the test to get you the log, I made a folder on my desktop, and did the same drag from the ftp window to the open folder that I wanted to transfer to. Doing this it worked fine. The difference from before (at least the only one I can note) was that before, I was transfering onto my second, non-system drive, that is shared within my workgroup. So I tried to copy do a new folder on that shared drive. and the problem showed up again.
another thing to note. I had 3 "workers" when one worker reached 99% it would not complete and restart until the other 2 workers reached 99% as well. Even though I was able to get this to repeat, it was not an exact duplicate... after about 2 or 3 tries, some of the files did drop of the list and SmartFTP moved on to the next file. As such, I've included the log's for 2 of the files after they repeated, but before they cleared after their 2nd or 3rd repeat.
Thank you for your help.
[08:51:42] Resolving host name ""
[08:51:42] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:51:42] Connected to
[08:51:42] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:51:42] USER davelombardi
[08:51:42] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:51:42] PASS (hidden)
[08:51:42] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:51:42] SYST
[08:51:42] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:51:42] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:51:42] FEAT
[08:51:43] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:51:43] TYPE I
[08:51:43] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:51:43] REST 0
[08:51:43] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:51:43] PWD
[08:51:43] 257 "/"
[08:51:43] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:51:43] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:51:43] PWD
[08:51:43] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:51:43] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:51:43] 213 2653265
[08:51:43] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:51:43] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr': command not understood.
[08:51:43] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:51:44] 500 Unknown command.
[08:51:44] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:51:44] TYPE A
[08:51:44] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:51:44] PASV
[08:51:44] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,148,15)
[08:51:44] Opening data connection to Port: 37903
[08:51:44] LIST -aL
[08:51:44] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:51:44] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:51:44] 23407 bytes transferred. (38.5 KB/s) (593 ms)
[08:51:44] TYPE I
[08:51:45] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:51:45] PASV
[08:51:45] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,168,101)
[08:51:45] Opening data connection to Port: 43109
[08:51:45] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:51:45] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr (,11064).
[08:53:52] 2653265 bytes transferred. (20.4 KB/s) (00:02:06)
[08:54:52] Timeout (60s).
[08:54:52] Active Help:
[08:54:52] Client closed the connection.
[08:54:52] Transfer failed.
[08:54:52] Resolving host name ""
[08:54:52] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:54:52] Connected to
[08:54:52] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:54:52] USER davelombardi
[08:54:52] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:54:52] PASS (hidden)
[08:54:52] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:54:52] SYST
[08:54:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:54:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:54:52] FEAT
[08:54:53] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:54:53] TYPE I
[08:54:53] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:54:53] REST 0
[08:54:53] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:54:53] PWD
[08:54:53] 257 "/"
[08:54:53] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:54:53] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:54:53] PWD
[08:54:53] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:54:53] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:54:53] 213 2653265
[08:54:53] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:54:53] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr': command not understood.
[08:54:53] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:54:54] 500 Unknown command.
[08:54:54] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:54:54] TYPE A
[08:54:54] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:54:54] PASV
[08:54:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,121,36)
[08:54:54] Opening data connection to Port: 31012
[08:54:54] LIST -aL
[08:54:54] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:54:54] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:54:57] 23407 bytes transferred. (7.06 KB/s) (00:00:03)
[08:54:57] Source File: Size=2653265, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T19:08:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[08:54:57] Destination File: Size=2653265, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T23:08:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[08:54:57] RecentTime=2008-09-18T12:54:57
[08:54:57] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[08:54:57] TYPE I
[08:54:57] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:54:57] PASV
[08:54:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,94,187)
[08:54:57] Opening data connection to Port: 24251
[08:54:57] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:54:58] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr (,11106).
[08:56:21] 2653265 bytes transferred. (31.1 KB/s) (00:01:23)
[08:57:21] Timeout (60s).
[08:57:21] Active Help:
[08:57:21] Client closed the connection.
[08:57:21] Transfer failed.
[08:57:21] Resolving host name ""
[08:57:21] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:57:21] Connected to
[08:57:21] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:57:21] USER davelombardi
[08:57:21] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:57:21] PASS (hidden)
[08:57:21] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:57:21] SYST
[08:57:22] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:57:22] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:57:22] FEAT
[08:57:22] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:57:22] TYPE I
[08:57:22] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:57:22] REST 0
[08:57:22] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:57:22] PWD
[08:57:22] 257 "/"
[08:57:22] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:57:22] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:57:22] PWD
[08:57:22] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:57:22] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:57:22] 213 2653265
[08:57:22] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:57:22] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr': command not understood.
[08:57:22] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:57:23] 500 Unknown command.
[08:57:23] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:57:23] TYPE A
[08:57:23] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:57:23] PASV
[08:57:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,111,97)
[08:57:23] Opening data connection to Port: 28513
[08:57:23] LIST -aL
[08:57:23] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:57:23] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:57:25] 23407 bytes transferred. (10.3 KB/s) (00:00:02)
[08:57:25] Source File: Size=2653265, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T19:08:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[08:57:25] Destination File: Size=2653265, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T23:08:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[08:57:25] RecentTime=2008-09-18T12:57:25
[08:57:25] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[08:57:25] TYPE I
[08:57:25] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:57:25] PASV
[08:57:25] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,171,128)
[08:57:25] Opening data connection to Port: 43904
[08:57:25] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0002.exr
[08:51:51] Resolving host name ""
[08:51:51] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:51:51] Connected to
[08:51:51] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:51:51] USER davelombardi
[08:51:51] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:51:51] PASS (hidden)
[08:51:51] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:51:51] SYST
[08:51:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:51:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:51:52] FEAT
[08:51:52] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:51:52] TYPE I
[08:51:52] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:51:52] REST 0
[08:51:52] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:51:52] PWD
[08:51:52] 257 "/"
[08:51:52] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:51:52] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:51:52] PWD
[08:51:52] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:51:52] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:51:52] 213 2651235
[08:51:52] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:51:52] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr': command not understood.
[08:51:52] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:51:53] 500 Unknown command.
[08:51:53] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:51:53] TYPE A
[08:51:53] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:51:53] PASV
[08:51:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,115,225)
[08:51:53] Opening data connection to Port: 29665
[08:51:53] LIST -aL
[08:51:53] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:51:53] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:51:54] 23407 bytes transferred. (31.1 KB/s) (734 ms)
[08:51:54] TYPE I
[08:51:54] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:51:54] PASV
[08:51:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,162,148)
[08:51:54] Opening data connection to Port: 41620
[08:51:54] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:51:54] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr (,11072).
[08:53:33] 2651235 bytes transferred. (26.0 KB/s) (00:01:39)
[08:54:33] Timeout (60s).
[08:54:33] Active Help:
[08:54:33] Client closed the connection.
[08:54:33] Transfer failed.
[08:54:33] Resolving host name ""
[08:54:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:54:33] Connected to
[08:54:33] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:54:33] USER davelombardi
[08:54:33] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:54:33] PASS (hidden)
[08:54:33] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:54:33] SYST
[08:54:34] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:54:34] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:54:34] FEAT
[08:54:34] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:54:34] TYPE I
[08:54:34] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:54:34] REST 0
[08:54:34] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:54:34] PWD
[08:54:34] 257 "/"
[08:54:34] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:54:34] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:54:34] PWD
[08:54:34] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:54:34] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:54:34] 213 2651235
[08:54:34] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:54:34] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr': command not understood.
[08:54:34] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:54:35] 500 Unknown command.
[08:54:35] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:54:35] TYPE A
[08:54:35] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:54:35] PASV
[08:54:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,158,77)
[08:54:35] Opening data connection to Port: 40525
[08:54:35] LIST -aL
[08:54:35] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:54:35] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:54:36] 23407 bytes transferred. (36.5 KB/s) (625 ms)
[08:54:36] Source File: Size=2651235, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T19:09:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[08:54:36] Destination File: Size=2651235, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T23:09:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[08:54:36] RecentTime=2008-09-18T12:54:35
[08:54:36] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[08:54:36] TYPE I
[08:54:36] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:54:36] PASV
[08:54:36] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,154,176)
[08:54:36] Opening data connection to Port: 39600
[08:54:36] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:54:36] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr (,11096).
[08:56:16] 2651235 bytes transferred. (25.7 KB/s) (00:01:40)
[08:57:16] Timeout (60s).
[08:57:16] Active Help:
[08:57:16] Client closed the connection.
[08:57:16] Transfer failed.
[08:57:16] Resolving host name ""
[08:57:16] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:57:16] Connected to
[08:57:16] 220 PROXY FTP server
[08:57:16] USER davelombardi
[08:57:16] 331 Please specify the password.
[08:57:16] PASS (hidden)
[08:57:16] 230 Login successful. Have fun.
[08:57:16] SYST
[08:57:17] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:57:17] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:57:17] FEAT
[08:57:17] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:57:17] TYPE I
[08:57:17] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:57:17] REST 0
[08:57:17] 350 Restart position accepted.
[08:57:17] PWD
[08:57:17] 257 "/"
[08:57:17] CWD /From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref
[08:57:17] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[08:57:17] PWD
[08:57:17] 257 "/From_PM/FBT_series/FBT_128_010_cc1_ltg_ref"
[08:57:17] SIZE FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:57:17] 213 2651235
[08:57:17] MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:57:17] 500 'MDTM FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr': command not understood.
[08:57:17] STAT FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr
[08:57:18] 500 Unknown command.
[08:57:18] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[08:57:18] TYPE A
[08:57:18] 200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
[08:57:18] PASV
[08:57:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,150,108)
[08:57:18] Opening data connection to Port: 38508
[08:57:18] LIST -aL
[08:57:18] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[08:57:18] 226 Directory send OK.
[08:57:19] 23407 bytes transferred. (27.6 KB/s) (828 ms)
[08:57:19] Source File: Size=2651235, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T19:09:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[08:57:19] Destination File: Size=2651235, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-17T23:09:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[08:57:19] RecentTime=2008-09-18T12:57:18
[08:57:19] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[08:57:19] TYPE I
[08:57:19] 200 Binary it is, then.
[08:57:19] PASV
[08:57:19] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,63,87,69,243,207)
[08:57:19] Opening data connection to Port: 62415
[08:57:19] RETR FBT_128_010_cc1.0003.exr