Must educators now purchase a license?

I just received a notice that my version of SmartFTP is expiring and that I must purchase a license in order to continue using SmartFTP.

The version I was using said it was "free to educators" Has this policy changed?

I teach grades 9-12

We got a similar msg this morning (also a teacher: spec-ed preschool), though we went from earlier in the week being prompted to buy if not for edu use to an expired msg today (can't run the program at all). Disappointed both in lack of warning as well as the change in terms.

Hello ..

The license model change has been announced 3 months ago. We have special discounts for academic use. Please contact us at sales(at) for details.


Hello ..

The license model change has been announced 3 months ago. We have special discounts for academic use. Please contact us at sales(at) for details.

Thanks for the response Mat.

Odd that the announcement didn't appear to be pushed via the licensing popup on our clients.

We'll certainly look at the discounts, although its probably that the other free versions on the market will be the preferred course of action due to limited budgets.

Thanks for the response Mat.

Odd that the announcement didn't appear to be pushed via the licensing popup on our clients.

We'll certainly look at the discounts, although its probably that the other free versions on the market will be the preferred course of action due to limited budgets.

Thanks for the response Mat.

Odd that the announcement didn't appear to be pushed via the licensing popup on our clients.

We'll certainly look at the discounts, although its probably that the other free versions on the market will be the preferred course of action due to limited budgets.

Well said, Lupine

I understand the cost of doing business and nothing stays free forever. But as an educator with little to no budget, I guess I'll also have to look elsewhere. I leave with no hard feelings against SmartFTP. Your product beats Filezilla hands down.