I don't see Hebrew file names in SmartFTP


All my pictures have Hebrew file names.
But, I don't see the Hebrew in the file names through SmartFTP.
I get ^^^^.jpg intead נירפ.jpg.
Instead Hebrew characters, I see something like this ^^^^.

I emailed my server provider and he sent me a picture of all my files as he see them on the server.
I see the file names in Hebrew.

Can you help?

Thanks in advance

It's because your server doesn't support UTF8?

Please send the raw directory listing to support(at)smartftp.com

To get it right-click on the folder with the Hebrew names and then select "Show Raw Listing"

You can also try to set the Default Codepage option to ANSI from Auto in the favorite properites. Then FTP -> Transfer dialog.


Hello Mat,

I set the Default Codepage option to ANSI. But it didn't help.
I still see ^ instead Hebrew character.

What do you mean by "Then FTP -> Transfer dialog."
What do I have to do?
Can you be more specific?


I sent the raw directory listing to support(at)smartftp.com


The server already returns the wrong names in the directory listing:
----------   1 owner	group		   35242 Feb 24  8:51 ^^^^ 007.jpg

----------   1 owner	group		   34526 Feb 24  9:00 ^^^^ 009.jpg

----------   1 owner	group		   27259 Feb 24  9:07 ^^^^ 010.jpg

----------   1 owner	group		   50608 Feb 24  8:51 ^^^^ 013.jpg

And SmartFTP only displays what the server returns.