550 error?

hello, I have just upgraded to Ver 3, as requested, for personal (profit free society) use and now can not upload files???? pls help

[20:08:28] Resolving host name "www.madas.org"
[20:08:28] Connecting to Port: 21
[20:08:28] Connected to www.madas.org.
[20:08:28] 220 Website FTP Server Ready
[20:08:28] USER madas.org
[20:08:28] 331 Password required for madas.org.
[20:08:28] PASS (hidden)
[20:08:29] 230 User madas.org logged in.
[20:08:29] SYST
[20:08:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20:08:29] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[20:08:29] FEAT
[20:08:29] 211-Features:
[20:08:29] MDTM
[20:08:29] REST STREAM
[20:08:29] SIZE
[20:08:29] 211 End
[20:08:29] PWD
[20:08:29] 257 "/" is current directory.
[20:08:29] CWD /public
[20:08:29] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:08:29] PWD
[20:08:29] 257 "/public" is current directory.
[20:08:29] TYPE I
[20:08:29] 200 Type set to I
[20:08:29] SIZE sponsor.html
[20:08:29] 550 sponsor.html: Permission denied
[20:08:29] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[20:08:33] SIZE sponsor.html
[20:08:33] 550 sponsor.html: Permission denied

Please post the log from the file in the transfer queue. To get it double click the file in the transfer queue. The log window opens.


[20:17:50] Resolving host name "www.madas.org"
[20:17:50] Connecting to Port: 21
[20:17:50] Connected to www.madas.org.
[20:17:51] 220 Website FTP Server Ready
[20:17:51] USER madas.org
[20:17:51] 331 Password required for madas.org.
[20:17:51] PASS (hidden)
[20:17:51] 230 User madas.org logged in.
[20:17:51] SYST
[20:17:51] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20:17:51] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[20:17:51] FEAT
[20:17:51] 211-Features:
[20:17:51] MDTM
[20:17:51] REST STREAM
[20:17:51] SIZE
[20:17:51] 211 End
[20:17:51] PWD
[20:17:51] 257 "/" is current directory.
[20:17:51] CWD /public
[20:17:51] 257 "/public" is current directory.
[20:17:51] Remote file exist check: "sponsor.html".
[20:17:51] TYPE I
[20:17:51] 200 Type set to I
[20:17:51] SIZE sponsor.html
[20:17:51] 550 sponsor.html: Permission denied
[20:17:51] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[20:17:52] PORT 192,168,0,100,19,30
[20:17:52] 200 PORT command successful
[20:17:52] STOR sponsor.html
[20:17:52] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for sponsor.html
[20:17:52] 4050 bytes transferred. (28.2 KB/s) (140 ms)
[20:17:54] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:17:54] MDTM 20080819003528 sponsor.html
[20:17:54] 550 20080819003528: No such file or directory
[20:17:54] MFMT 20080819003528 sponsor.html
[20:17:54] 500 MFMT not understood
[20:17:54] SITE UTIME sponsor.html 20080819003528 20080819003528 20080819003528 UTC
[20:17:54] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[20:17:54] SITE UTIME 20080819003528 sponsor.html
[20:17:54] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood
[20:17:54] SIZE sponsor.html
[20:17:54] 550 sponsor.html: Permission denied
[20:17:54] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[20:17:54] File not found. Skipping file exist check.

It looks like the transfer was successful but your server doesn't allow you to use the SIZE command.

have checked the web sire but no updates yet. how do i get rid of the size command?

I can access the sponsors.html file on your website. You cannot "get rid" of the size command.

I can access the sponsors.html file on your website. You cannot "get rid" of the size command.

thanks mate seems to have uploaded ok...
